
Free topic 3!

Hi, everyone! This time I would like to finish telling you the adoption stories of my five puppies, since in one of the previous blogs the stories of two of them were pending.  The fourth adopted is called Chasca and its history is very simple. My mom was driving around Talagante when she looked at a white fluff that was walking disoriented between the cars, she worried that they might run over her, parked her car and went to look for it to bring it to the house. The idea at the beginning was to heal him, sterilize him and give him up for adoption to a responsible family. However, little by little he won over my mother's heart with his protective and charismatic personality. In fact, he became so overprotective of my mom that every time she is in the house, he follows her everywhere and growls at me and my sister when we get too close to her. For the same reason, we also call it ‘the toxic’, haha. The fifth adopted is Dante. The truth is, we haven't formally adopted

Postgraduate studies

Hello everyone again! Today I am supposed to tell you about a postgraduate course that I would consider taking in the future. However, I must admit that I have very few clear things regarding my academic future and among these there is no specific postgraduate course because I have not done much research on it. Also, the only thing I have a mind for now is to think about this semester that has been more stressful than I expected. Despite that, if I have other clear things, for example I want to study something related to public politics. On the other hand, I would also like to have many opportunities to study abroad and I have considered many countries where they teach learning focused on my mention of interest, such as Canada, France and Scotland. Although the latter is more on a personal, haha. Another thing that I am also very clear about is how I would like to study: In person. Honestly, online and distance learning has been one of the worst modalities I have had to ex

My Future Job

Hello everyone another week! Today I would like to tell you about the type of work that I would like to do in the future. First, I would like to clarify that I am in my second year in the Anthropology career and the specialty of my interest is Social Anthropology. However, I still don't have a clear picture of all the areas that this mention addresses, and therefore what I say here may not be completely true in reality. I am interested in social mention because I feel that it has greater contact with people on a daily basis. I feel that through this I can make known the social problems that are ignored and make proposals to improve the well-being and quality of life of people. Now, I think it is more or less clear what kind of job I would like to do: public politics. I imagine it quite move, that is, as a job in which I do not have to stay locked looking at a computer, but I can go out and be in continuous contact with the community to really know what they need and how I can

Free Topic 2.0: Adoption Stories.

Hello everyone again! Today I want to tell you the adoption stories of 3 of my 5 puppies. The first was Almendra. I was around 10 years old when my mom took me and my sister to a dog fair near where we lived. She had promised us that we would adopt a puppy there as long as it wasn't going to grow up much. The problem was that we were late and all the puppies had been adopted, except for one that was not even a puppy. She was already two years old and had a pink dotted dress. She won me over from the first minute and I insisted until my mom relented and we took her to our house. She is currently 11 years old. The second was Leika. I remember that about 3 years ago I was taken to the Embalse Del Yeso to be in the snow. Short story: I could not meet the snow because there were constructions on site and they did not let us pass. However, on the way to the place we saw a puppy alone and in the middle of nowhere. My mom was very sorry and when we were going back to the h

Free Topic!

Hello, again! This time I would like to tell you about something simple: how is a day of my life in voluntary quarantine. Now, I know that I could write and invent a thousand activities, hobbies and goals that obviously I have never done during this quarantine because I am a procrastinator and I always leave most of my interests halfway, but I have decided not to and landing this blog to my experience in this "new normal" (and well, also because I could not think of another topic to write about). My day doesn't start with the sound of my alarm at 6 in the morning (scheduled the night before in the hope that I would be able to wake up at that time), but it starts a couple of hours later with the noise of my Mother when she is getting ready to go to work and my dogs barking to get their food ration. I wake up, I go down to the kitchen and prepare my first coffee of the day and I debate whether to go back to bed or not. I cook something to eat, I take a bath and put

The Best Holiday

Hi, everyone again! The best vacation I have ever had was very simple and beautiful. It was during the winter holidays of 2019 when my grandfather invited me to his house in the Zapallar commune to spend a week together in the countryside. I decided to go alone because my mom had to work and my sister went to spend her vacation with her dad. So, my mom accompanied me to take the bus at the Terminal and when I arrived my grandfather was already waiting for me. It was a very fun experience, even though we didn't go out to many places due to how demanding their work in the field is. We played cards without fail every night, He cooked me delicious meals and we talked for long hours after each meal. It has been the best vacation so far because it was an opportunity to learn more about him. He told me anecdotes about his childhood, youth and adult life. I was able to know what is his sorrows, guilt and how much He love his family despite how far he was from everyone. Also, I real

A country I would like to visit

Hi, everyone! One country that I would like to visit is Scotland because since I was little I think that is a mysterious, magical, and beautiful place that has a lot of culture to know and study. Also, this place has many tourist destinations, very attractive medieval architecture and natural landscapes that can be fascinating to walk alone, with family or friends. What about the country? Scotland occupies the northern third of the island of Great Britain along with a huge number of small islands surronding and its capital is Edinburgh. Now, this country has several aspects that I find very interesting. However, two main ones fascinate me: being the place where the Loch Ness monster lives and that its national animal is a unicorn. If I have the chance to go, I would like to visit Loch Ness, tour the streets of Edinburgh, Stirling Castle, and Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park, attend the Highland Games, eat your traditional Porridge breakfast, among many other activities