My Future Job

Hello everyone another week!

Today I would like to tell you about the type of work that I would like to do in the future. First, I would like to clarify that I am in my second year in the Anthropology career and the specialty of my interest is Social Anthropology. However, I still don't have a clear picture of all the areas that this mention addresses, and therefore what I say here may not be completely true in reality.

I am interested in social mention because I feel that it has greater contact with people on a daily basis. I feel that through this I can make known the social problems that are ignored and make proposals to improve the well-being and quality of life of people. Now, I think it is more or less clear what kind of job I would like to do: public politics.

I imagine it quite move, that is, as a job in which I do not have to stay locked looking at a computer, but I can go out and be in continuous contact with the community to really know what they need and how I can help them to let them be heard. On the other hand, I think it is clear that I would like to travel a lot, on the one hand, nationally in my work and, on the other hand, to other countries for to be able to study and expand my perspectives regarding my area of ​​interest.

Regarding the salary, I haven't thought much about it. Since I entered this career they told me that it was very difficult for anthropologists to earn a lot of money and the truth is that I am not interested in knowing how much I will earn. It may sound very idealistic, but what really interests me is being able to do my bit to improve this society and provide true well-being to people who, historically, have been marginalized.


  1. Hi Scarlette! I´m at anthropology too and I also would like to take the social mention. I have your same interests, but personally I wouldn´t like to work at public politics.
    I hope you can work and help a lot of people with it !
    regards <33

  2. As I said in another post, i think being an anthropologist is one of the coolest jobs in social sciences, because, unlike sociologist, you have the sensibility to be in fieldwork all day. I hope you reach all ur goals.

  3. I really like it when people talk about what they want to do with their career. It's very interesting everything that has to do with social problems and communities that are marginalized by it. It's something I'd like to do too, it's really nice.


  4. We have many social motivations in common :) I would like to take the social mention in anthropology too!


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