Free Topic!

Hello, again!

This time I would like to tell you about something simple: how is a day of my life in voluntary quarantine. Now, I know that I could write and invent a thousand activities, hobbies and goals that obviously I have never done during this quarantine because I am a procrastinator and I always leave most of my interests halfway, but I have decided not to and landing this blog to my experience in this "new normal" (and well, also because I could not think of another topic to write about).

My day doesn't start with the sound of my alarm at 6 in the morning (scheduled the night before in the hope that I would be able to wake up at that time), but it starts a couple of hours later with the noise of my Mother when she is getting ready to go to work and my dogs barking to get their food ration. I wake up, I go down to the kitchen and prepare my first coffee of the day and I debate whether to go back to bed or not. I cook something to eat, I take a bath and put on decent clothes (sometimes it's pajamas again), I say goodbye to my mom and start cleaning the house for the next two hours. Then, I procrastinate another hour watching short Cake Boss videos that YouTube recommends to me and, later, I start to organize the university tasks that I want to do that day.

I try to do the first task and I usually not finish it because it is time to cook lunch. My sister gets up at about that time and eats her breakfast (yes, at 2 pm), we talked a little and she leaves again. I eat my lunch and watch other short videos of Cake Boss (guilty taste), clean everything that is dirty, and return to study. My afternoon can be summed up in fighting with my sister because she is messy, stressing about the tasks of the university,  drink a couple more cups of coffee, my dogs barking, and one or two existential crisis.

Late at night, my mom arrives and we prepare the dinner. Finally, we have our family moment: laughter, fights, knowing looks, my mom stressed by all our attempts to get her attention, me complaining about the university and my sister being the center of laughter for its sudden occurrences. Even though the whole house is in chaos and I know that I will have to clean more the next day, that is my favorite moment because it seems like all the lonely, frustrating, and stressful that was my day disappears in a few minutes when the two of them are present. It is a small space where I feel happy, grateful, calm and I recover the energy to face another day. It is there where I feel that life is not so difficult and that everything will be fine.

PS: This is a photo of one of my dogs because I don't have photos of the family moments I mentioned, haha.                                   


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