The Best Holiday

Hi, everyone again!

The best vacation I have ever had was very simple and beautiful. It was during the winter holidays of 2019 when my grandfather invited me to his house in the Zapallar commune to spend a week together in the countryside.

I decided to go alone because my mom had to work and my sister went to spend her vacation with her dad. So, my mom accompanied me to take the bus at the Terminal and when I arrived my grandfather was already waiting for me.

It was a very fun experience, even though we didn't go out to many places due to how demanding their work in the field is. We played cards without fail every night, He cooked me delicious meals and we talked for long hours after each meal.

It has been the best vacation so far because it was an opportunity to learn more about him. He told me anecdotes about his childhood, youth and adult life. I was able to know what is his sorrows, guilt and how much He love his family despite how far he was from everyone. Also, I realized how lonely his life was, how happy he was every day I was there, how beautiful is his soul and how grateful I am to have such a wonderful person in my life.

Anyway, it was one of those bittersweet trips. I was very sad when I had to leave because I didn't want to leave him alone. I wanted to stay forever in that place where time stood still and the stories did not end. However, I was also happy because I was able to get closer to one of the people I love the most and who has secured a big place in my heart.

Pd. This is a photo I took of the landscape and a pair of Chingolos when I was there. 


  1. That is really lovely, I think the best of the holidays is always the company. I am glad you could enjoy his company and know him better!

  2. Your memories of this holidays are beatiful! I think that spending quality time with the people that we love is the best holiday ever.

  3. What a beautiful story. I can see that you love your grandfather very much and that you really enjoyed this holidays.
    I hope you can return to Zapallar very soon and you can enjoy the company of your grandfather again :)

  4. Beautiful blog. Your story is complety lovely. I really hope can you return there and spend time with people that you love.

  5. I really loved reading this! It's so good you made yourself the time to be with him, and paying attention to him. I hope you can visit him soon.

  6. This is so adorable :( , I'm glad for the opportunity that you had <3


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